Ford P1248 Code

ford p1248 code

Ford P1248 Code is an error code used in Ford vehicles to indicate a malfunction in the engine. This code is often triggered by an issue with the air intake system and can cause the engine to perform poorly or not run at all. In this article, we will discuss the causes and symptoms of

Ford P2702 Code

ford p2702 code

If you own a Ford vehicle and are experiencing transmission issues, you may have encountered the dreaded Ford P2702 Code. This code can cause different symptoms that can range from a check engine light to transmission slipping and jerking. Identifying the cause of the P2702 code can be daunting and requires a thorough understanding of

Ford U0131:87 Code

ford u0131:87 code

When it comes to Ford vehicles, it can be difficult to diagnose and repair any issues you may be experiencing. The U0131:87 code is one of the most common codes that Ford vehicles experience and can be challenging to diagnose without the right knowledge and resources. The U0131:87 code is defined as “Lost Communication With

Ford U0131:87 Code

ford u0131:87 code

When it comes to the Ford U0131:87 Code is an error code that is generated when the Power Steering Control Module (PSCM) loses communication with the GWM. This code is characterized by a “Missing Message” failure, a sub-type of code used for failures when one or more expected messages are not received. The Ford U0131:87

Ford P1184 Code

ford p1184 code

If you own a Ford and the check engine light has come on with the P1184 code, you may be wondering what this code means and what you can do about it. P1184 stands for Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Out of Self-Test Range, which is a technical way of saying the engine oil temperature (EOT)

Ford U019B Code

ford u019b code

Ford U019B Code is an error code that is displayed when the vehicle’s Transmission Control Module (TCM) does not receive a message from the Battery Charger Control Module (BCCM) within a specified time. This code can have a variety of causes and solutions depending on the specific vehicle, make, and model. In order to troubleshoot

Ford P160A Code

ford p160a code

The dreaded Ford P160A Code is one of the most common vehicle codes that drivers come across. This code is a Control Module Vehicle Options Reconfiguration Error and is a result of a configuration concern detected by the PCM. The causes of this code can range from aftermarket performance products to PCM programming errors and

Ford P0355 Code

ford p0355 code

A Ford P0355 code is an error code that signals a primary control circuit malfunction in an ignition coil. This code can be triggered by multiple causes, such as an open or shorted VPWR circuit, or a damaged COP. When this code is set, the PCM enters Failure Mode Effects Management (FMEM), which shuts down

Ford P1294 Code

ford p1294 code

Check for poor connections or an open circuit in the “high” side circuit for injector bank 2 (left side). If the circuit checks out, check the IDM or the PCM. When your Ford vehicle is displaying the P1294 Code, it’s likely due to an open circuit in the “high” side driver output of Injector Bank

Ford P0453 Code

ford p0453 code

The Ford P0453 Code is a trouble code that can indicate a variety of issues within the vehicle’s EVAP system. This code is triggered when the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor signal average jumps above a specific calibrated parameter. Understanding the causes and possible solutions to this code is essential to diagnose and repairing the

Ford B10F1:14 Code

ford b10f1:14 code

Ford B10F1:14 Code is an error code that indicates a problem with the circuit of a Ford vehicle. The code is typically associated with an issue related to a circuit that has become either shorted to ground or open. This type of failure can cause a variety of issues, ranging from a loss of power