Volkswagen P1698 Code

The Volkswagen P1698 code diagnoses various issues with the vehicle’s engine control module (ECM). This code is used to identify the problem’s cause and determine the best solution to fix it. Understanding the code and its associated causes and solutions is essential to properly maintaining and repairing Volkswagen vehicles. This article will comprehensively overview the Volkswagen P1698 code and its related causes and solutions.

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Causes and Solutions of Volkswagen P1698 Code

Cause Solution
The ground between the engine and chassis is broken Check for damaged wiring or loose connections
Faulty voltage supply Replace faulty voltage supply
ECM has failed Replace ECM module
CAN data bus wires are damaged Replace CAN databus wires

Ground Between Engine and Chassis

If the ground between the engine and the chassis is broken, it can cause the P1698 code to appear in the ECM. This can be caused by damaged wiring or loose connections. To resolve this issue, inspecting the wiring for any damage or loose connections is necessary. If any damage is found, the wiring should be repaired or replaced.

Faulty Voltage Supply

If the voltage supply is faulty, it can lead to the P1698 code. In this case, the defective voltage supply must be replaced to resolve the issue. Ensuring the new voltage supply is compatible with the vehicle is important.

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ECM Failure

If the ECM has failed, it can cause the P1698 code to appear. In this case, the ECM module must be replaced to fix the issue. Ensuring that the new ECM module is compatible with the vehicle is important.

CAN Databus Wires

If the CAN databus wires are damaged, it can cause the P1698 code to appear. In this case, the CAN data wires must be replaced to resolve the issue. Ensuring the new CAN data wires are compatible with the vehicle is important.


The Volkswagen P1698 code diagnoses various issues with the vehicle’s engine control module (ECM). By understanding this code and its associated causes and solutions, Volkswagen vehicle owners can properly maintain and repair their cars. This article provided a comprehensive overview of the Volkswagen P1698 code and its related causes and solutions, including issues with the ground between the engine and chassis, faulty voltage supply, ECM failure, and CAN databus wires. By following the instructions outlined in this article, Volkswagen vehicle owners can effectively diagnose and repair any issues related to the P1698 code.

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