Mitsubishi P0745 Code

mitsubishi p0745 code

Having a Mitsubishi P0745 Code is becoming an increasingly common problem faced by owners of Mitsubishi cars. This code is a signal of malfunction of the Line Pressure Solenoid Valve (CVT) which is a part of the transmission control module (TCM). The TCM is responsible for detecting any abnormalities in the line pressure solenoid valve

Mitsubishi P1778 Code

mitsubishi p1778 code

Solution: Check for damage or clogging of filter Check for connection of harness wiring, connector and terminal Check for faulty TCM Check for faulty valve body assembly Do you have a Mitsubishi car and is the P1778 code showing up on your screen? This code is related to a malfunction of the stepper motor in

Mitsubishi P2097 Code

mitsubishi p2097 code

When it comes to diagnosing car issues, Mitsubishi P2097 Code can be one of the most difficult codes to identify. This code is a post catalyst fuel trim system too rich, meaning that the engine coolant temperature is above 76°C (169°F). It is important to pinpoint the root cause of this code, as the consequences

Mitsubishi P2100 Code

mitsubishi p2100 code

When diagnosing Mitsubishi vehicles with the P2100 Code, it is important to understand the full scope of the issue and the potential causes. The code is an indication that the Throttle Actuator Control Motor Circuit is open and the output voltage of either the main or sub throttle position sensor is higher than 0.1 volts.

Mitsubishi P1400 Code

mitsubishi p1400 code

When dealing with a Mitsubishi P1400 Code, it is important to understand the definition of the code, as well as its causes and solutions. A Mitsubishi P1400 Code is defined as Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction, which is triggered when the engine is started, the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor is more than 65.4 F

Mitsubishi P2263 Code

mitsubishi p2263 code

The Mitsubishi P2263 Code is an error code that indicates a problem with the Intake Charge System Malfunction. This code is triggered when engine speed is between 3,000 and 5,000 r/min and the throttle position sensor (main) output voltage is more than 2 volts. Additionally, the volumetric efficiency must be less than 100 percent for

Mitsubishi P1603 Code

mitsubishi p1603 code

The Mitsubishi P1603 code is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) related to a car’s engine starting sequence. This code is generated when the engine starting sequence is completed, but the battery positive voltage is higher than 10 volts and the battery backup line voltage has continued to be 6 volts or lower for 2 seconds.

Mitsubishi P1740 Code

mitsubishi p1740 code

When dealing with a Mitsubishi P1740 code, it is essential to understand the underlying causes and solutions. The code is typically caused by a malfunction of the lockup/select switching solenoid valve, a damaged wiring harness and connectors, or a malfunction of the TCM. This article will explore the causes and solutions of this code in