Mazda P1451 Code

When your Mazda is displaying the P1451 code, it indicates a problem with the evaporative emission system vent control circuit. This code is set when the engine is running at a steady cruise speed, the canister vent solenoid is enabled, and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) detected an unexpected voltage condition on the Canister Vent solenoid circuit. The cause of this code can be attributed to a VPWR circuit open, CV solenoid circuit open, shorted to ground or system power, CV solenoid damaged or failed, or PCM failure. In order to remedy this issue, it is necessary to inspect the VPWR circuit, CV solenoid circuit, and CV solenoid for open, shorted to ground or system power and then clear the codes and retest the system.

Solution: Inspect the VPWR circuit, CV solenoid circuit, and CV solenoid for open, shorted-to-ground or system power. After repairs, clear the codes and retest the system.

Common Causes and Solutions for the Mazda P1451 Code

Cause Solution
VPWR circuit open Inspect the VPWR circuit
CV solenoid circuit is open, shorted to ground, or system power Check the CV solenoid circuit
CV solenoid is damaged or has failed Examine the CV solenoid
PCM has failed Replace the PCM

When your Mazda vehicle is displaying the P1451 code, it is likely that there is a problem with the evaporative emission system vent control circuit. This code is triggered when the engine is running at a steady cruise speed, the canister vent solenoid is enabled, and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) detects an unexpected voltage condition on the Canister Vent solenoid circuit. The potential causes of this code are an open VPWR circuit, open CV solenoid circuit, shorted-to-ground or system power CV solenoid, damaged or failed CV solenoid, or a failed PCM. In order to diagnose and solve this issue, it is important to inspect the VPWR circuit, CV solenoid circuit, and CV solenoid for open, shorted-to-ground, or system power, and then clear the codes and retest the system.


When your Mazda vehicle is displaying the P1451 code, it is essential to diagnose and repair the issue in order to avoid further damage to your vehicle. The most common causes of the Mazda P1451 code are an open VPWR circuit, open CV solenoid circuit, shorted-to-ground or system power CV solenoid, damaged or failed CV solenoid, or a failed PCM. To resolve this issue, it is important to inspect the VPWR circuit, CV solenoid circuit, and CV solenoid for open, shorted to ground or system power and then clear the codes and retest the system with Mazda P1451 Code.

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