Lincoln P0451 Code

The Lincoln P0451 code is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) associated with the fuel tank pressure sensor (FTP) of the Lincoln car. This code is triggered when the FTP sensor output is offset by more than 1.7 inches of water or less than -1.7 inches of water. There are various causes and solutions for this code, ranging from FTP circuit intermittent open to contaminated FTP sensor and damaged PCM. In order to diagnose the issue, the FTP sensor must be accessed at atmospheric pressure and the PID should indicate 0 inches of water.

Causes and Solutions for Lincoln P0451 Code

| Cause | Solution |
| —— | —— |
| FTP circuit intermittent open | Check wiring harness for open or short in FTP circuit, repair as needed |
| FTP circuit intermittent short | Repair or replace damaged wiring and components |
| FTP sensor intermittent open | Inspect and replace FTP sensor, as needed |
| FTP sensor intermittent short | Replace FTP sensor, and inspect related wiring for continuity |
| Contaminated FTP sensor | Clean FTP sensor with a damp rag or replace the sensor, as needed |
| Damaged FTP sensor | Replace the FTP sensor, and check harness for continuity |
| Damaged PCM | Replace the PCM, and inspect related wiring for continuity |

FTP Circuit Intermittent Open

The Lincoln P0451 code is triggered when the fuel tank pressure sensor (FTP) output is offset by more than 1.7 inches of water or less than -1.7 inches of water. If this code is triggered, it is likely due to an intermittent open circuit in the FTP circuit. To diagnose this issue, it is important to check the wiring harness for any open or short in the FTP circuit. If any damages are found, they must be repaired to solve the problem.

FTP Circuit Intermittent Short

Another issue that can cause the P0451 code is an intermittent short circuit in the FTP circuit. To solve this problem, it is important to repair or replace any damaged wiring or components in the circuit. This should help resolve the issue.

FTP Sensor Intermittent Open

The P0451 code may also be caused by an intermittent open in the FTP sensor. In this case, it is important to inspect the sensor and replace it as needed.

FTP Sensor Intermittent Short

Intermittent short in the FTP sensor is another cause of the P0451 code. To resolve this issue, the FTP sensor must be replaced and the related wiring must be inspected for continuity.

Contaminated FTP Sensor

The FTP sensor may also get contaminated with dust and dirt, which can trigger the Lincoln P0451 code. To solve this problem, it is important to clean the FTP sensor with a damp rag. If the sensor is still not working properly, it must be replaced.

Damaged FTP Sensor

The P0451 code may also be triggered by a damaged FTP sensor. To solve this issue, it is important to replace the sensor and check the related wiring for continuity.

Damaged PCM

Finally, the P0451 code may also be caused by a damaged PCM. In this case, it is necessary to replace the PCM and inspect the related wiring for continuity.


In conclusion, the Lincoln P0451 code is a diagnostic trouble code associated with the fuel tank pressure sensor of the Lincoln car. It is triggered when the FTP sensor output is offset by more than 1.7 inches of water or less than -1.7 inches of water. There are various causes and solutions for this code, ranging from FTP circuit intermittent open to contaminated FTP sensor and damaged PCM. To resolve the issue, it is important to inspect the FTP sensor, check the wiring harness for open or short circuit, replace the sensor or clean it with a damp rag, and replace the PCM as needed. Solving the Lincoln P0451 code requires adequate knowledge and experience, so it is important to consult a professional to ensure the issue is resolved properly.

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