GMC P008F Code

When your GMC vehicle is displaying the P008F code, it means that the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) and Fuel Temperature are not in agreement. This code is often caused by a malfunctioning engine, block heater not being detected, or the absolute temperature difference between the ECT sensor and fuel temperature sensor being greater than 20°C (36°F). This code can also be triggered when the ambient temperature is greater than -60°C (-76°F) and the ignition has been off for 8 hours or more. To address this issue, it is important to understand the causes and solutions for the P008F code.

Causes and Solutions for GMC P008F Code

Cause Solution
Condition 1: The ECM determines the absolute temperature difference between the ECT sensor and fuel temperature sensor is more than 100°C (180°F) at engine start. Check and replace any faulty wiring or connectors, or replace the ECT and fuel temperature sensors.
Condition 2: The ECM determines the absolute temperature difference between the ECT sensor and fuel temperature sensor is more than 20°C (36°F), but less than or equal to 100°C (180°F) after 60 seconds of engine run time. Check the coolant level and replace if necessary.
Block heater is not detected. Replace the block heater or repair the wiring.
The ambient temperature is greater than -60°C (-76°F). Check the ambient temperature and repair the wiring or replace the sensor if the ambient temperature is too high.

Condition 1

If the Engine Control Module (ECM) detects an absolute temperature difference between the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor and the fuel temperature sensor that is greater than 100°C (180°F) at engine start, it will trigger the P008F code. To fix this condition, you should check and replace any faulty wiring or connectors, or replace both the ECT and fuel temperature sensors.

Condition 2

When the ECM detects an absolute temperature difference between the ECT sensor and fuel temperature sensor that is more than 20°C (36°F), but less than or equal to 100°C (180°F) after 60 seconds of engine run time, the GMC P008F code will be triggered. The solution to this issue is to check the coolant level and replace it if necessary.

Block Heater Not Detected

If the ECM does not detect the block heater, the P008F code will be triggered. To fix this issue, the block heater needs to be replaced or you can repair the wiring.

Ambient Temperature is Too High

When the ambient temperature is greater than -60°C (-76°F), the P008F code can be triggered. To address this, you should check the ambient temperature and repair the wiring or replace the sensor if the ambient temperature is too high.


The GMC P008F code is triggered when the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) and Fuel Temperature are not in agreement. To fix this issue, it is important to understand the causes and solutions for the code. The causes can range from a malfunctioning engine, block heater not being detected, or the absolute temperature difference between the ECT sensor and fuel temperature sensor being greater than 20°C (36°F). To address these issues, various solutions should be followed, such as checking and replacing faulty wiring or connectors, replacing the ECT and fuel temperature sensors, checking the coolant level and replacing it if necessary, replacing the block heater, or repairing the wiring or replacing the sensor if the ambient temperature is too high. With the help of these solutions, you can successfully resolve the GMC P008F Code.

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