Ford P1397 Code

The Ford P1397 Code is a diagnostic trouble code indicating a system voltage out of self-test range error. This code is triggered when the 12-volt system voltage is too low or too high during the key ON engine OFF (KOEO) or critical ON engine running (KOER) self-test. Common causes of this code include a faulty battery or defective charging system. To diagnose the problem, one should ensure that the battery voltage is between 11 and 18 volts before running a key ON, engine OFF (KOEO), or key ON, engine running (KOER) self-test.

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Causes and Solutions for Ford P1397 Code

Cause Solution
Faulty battery Replace the battery
Defective charging system Check for loose connections and replace or repair the charging system
Faulty alternator Replace or repair the alternator
Loose connections Tighten all connections to ensure the proper flow of power

If you own a Ford vehicle and the check engine light is on with the P1397 Code, you are likely dealing with a system voltage out-of-self-test range issue. This code indicates that the 12-volt system voltage is too low or too high during the key ON engine OFF (KOEO) or key ON engine running (KOER) self-test. To diagnose the problem, one must check the battery voltage and ensure it is between 11 and 18 volts before running a key ON, engine OFF (KOEO), or key ON, engine running (KOER) self-test. Common causes of this code include a defective battery or charging system, a faulty alternator, or loose connections. Solutions for this code include replacing the battery, checking and replacing or repairing the charging system, replacing or repairing the alternator, and tightening all connections to ensure the proper power flow.

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Replacing the Battery

If the problem is a defective battery, the solution is replacing it. This should be done as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the vehicle. Many types of batteries are available, and it is essential to select one compatible with the car.

Checking and Replacing or Repairing the Charging System

If the problem is a defective charging system, the solution is to check for loose connections, replace or repair the charging system, and test the system. The charging system should be checked regularly to ensure it functions correctly.

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Replacing or Repairing the Alternator

If the problem is a faulty alternator, then the solution is to replace or repair the alternator. This should be done as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the vehicle.

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Tightening All Connections

If the problem is loose connections, the solution is to ensure all links are tightened to ensure the proper power flow. This should be done as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the vehicle.

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The Ford P1397 Code indicates a system voltage out of self-test range error. This code is triggered when the 12-volt system voltage is too low or too high during the key ON engine OFF (KOEO) or critical ON engine running (KOER) self-test. Common causes of this code include a faulty battery or defective charging system, a faulty alternator, or loose connections. Solutions for Ford P1397 Code include replacing the battery, checking and replacing or repairing the charging system, replacing or repairing the alternator, and tightening all connections to ensure the proper power flow.

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