Ford P061C Code

When a Ford vehicle displays the error code P061C, it indicates an internal engine control module performance error. The P061C code is triggered when a calculation error occurs in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). This code can be caused by various reasons, including PCM reprogramming, damaged PCM, and other related issues. To diagnose and repair the problem, it is important to verify the correct operation of the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor, camshaft position 11 (CMP11) sensor, and related circuits. Furthermore, checking for aftermarket performance products before installing a new PCM is important.

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Causes and Solutions for Ford P061C Code

Cause Solution
PCM reprogramming Reprogram or update the calibration.
Damaged PCM Check for other DTCs or drive symptoms for further action.
Aftermarket performance products Check for aftermarket performance products before installing a new PCM.
Calculation error in PCM Verify the correct operation of the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor, camshaft position 11 (CMP11) sensor, and related circuits.

When a Ford vehicle’s onboard computer throws the P061C error code, it could be caused by various internal engine control module issues. This code is typically triggered when a calculation error occurs in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). Fortunately, this issue can be diagnosed and repaired with relative ease. Solutions for the P061C code include PCM reprogramming, verifying the correct operation of the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor and camshaft position 11 (CMP11), checking for other DTCs or drive symptoms, and checking for aftermarket performance products. The Ford P061C code can be solved quickly and effectively with the right knowledge and tools.

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PCM Reprogramming

When the P061C code is triggered by PCM reprogramming, the solution is often as simple as reprogramming or updating the calibration. This can be done with a laptop computer, a scanner, and the correct software. Additionally, the OBD II scanner can read the codes and determine whether reprogramming is successful.

Damaged PCM

A damaged PCM can also cause the P061C code. In this case, checking for other DTCs or driving symptoms for further action is important. If the PCM is damaged, it will need to be replaced.

Aftermarket Performance Products

Aftermarket performance products can also trigger the P061C code. If aftermarket parts have been installed in the vehicle, it is important to check for these before installing a new PCM. Installing aftermarket parts can result in an improper fit, leading to the P061C code.

Calculation Error in PCM

A calculation error in the PCM can also cause the P061C code. In this case, verifying the correct operation of the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor, camshaft position 11 (CMP11) sensor, and related circuits is important. If these components are not working properly, the calculation error could trigger the P061C code.


The Ford P061C code is a common issue and can be caused by various issues, including PCM reprogramming, damaged PCM, aftermarket performance products, and calculation errors in the PCM. Fortunately, the P061C code can be diagnosed and repaired with relative ease. The Ford P061C Code can be solved quickly and effectively with the right knowledge and tools.

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