Toyota P0354 Code

toyota p0354 code

Toyota P0354 Code is an ignition system-related issue which occurs in Toyota vehicles. It is a code linked to the Ignition Coil “D” Primary / Secondary Circuit, and it is caused when no IGF signal is sent to the ECM while the engine is running. This can happen due to several issues, such as an

Toyota P1354 Code

toyota p1354 code

Remedy: Check valve timing Check OCV Replace VVT controller assembly Replace ECM When it comes to the Toyota P1354 Code, there are a number of issues that can cause malfunction of the vehicle’s VVT system. From valve timing to the ECM, a wide variety of elements can lead to this potentially detrimental problem. Knowing what

Toyota P2419 Code

toyota p2419 code

When your Toyota vehicle encounters the P2419 code, it is indicative of an issue in the evaporative emission system switching valve control circuit. To diagnose and fix this problem, it is important to understand the causes and solutions associated with the P2419 code. This article will provide an in-depth look into the causes and solutions

Toyota P0758 Code

toyota p0758 code

When it comes to identifying the cause of Toyota’s P0758 code, it is important to understand the underlying components and conditions that can cause this particular error code. This code is associated with the Shift Solenoid 2 or ‘B’ (SS2/SSB) control circuit voltage, which can be caused by a variety of issues. It is important

Toyota C1416 Code

toyota c1416 code

With the Toyota C1416 code, drivers may experience a rear speed sensor malfunction on their vehicle. The code is often associated with an incorrect or malfunctioning rear speed sensor, which can lead to a number of problems. It is important to be aware of the possible causes of the code, as well as the solutions

Toyota P0A0D-350 Code

toyota p0a0d-350 code

If you own a Toyota and are experiencing the P0A0D-350 code, you may be wondering what it means and how to fix it. The P0A0D-350 code stands for “High Voltage System Inter-Lock Circuit High”. It is caused when any of the safety devices are operated with the vehicle stopped and the power switch on. To

Toyota B1861/64 Code

toyota b1861/64 code

Are you having trouble with your Toyota vehicle? Are you receiving a dreaded B1861/64 code? This code typically indicates an open in the driver side knee airbag squib circuit. This can be caused by a number of factors, from an instrument panel wire or the driver side airbag assembly to the center airbag sensor assembly

Toyota P2197 Code

toyota p2197 code

When it comes to diagnosing and repairing a Toyota with a P2197 code, it’s essential to understand the underlying causes and the potential solutions. The P2197 code is an indication that the Oxygen (A/F) Sensor Signal Stuck Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1) has been detected. This error code can be triggered by a variety of

Toyota P011B Code

toyota p011b code

Toyota P011B Code is an error code generated by a Toyota vehicle when there is an issue with the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) and Intake Air Temperature (IAT) correlation. To diagnose this code, all of the following conditions must be met: a. The battery voltage must be 10.5V or higher; b. 7 hours or more

Toyota P3193 Code

toyota p3193 code

The Toyota P3193 Code is an error code that informs car owners of a potential issue with their car’s fuel system. This code is triggered when the engine runs out of fuel or the ECM malfunctions. When this code is triggered, the engine will shut down and needs to be checked for the underlying cause.

Toyota U0123/62 Code

toyota u0123/62 code

The Toyota U0123/62 Code is a diagnostic trouble code that indicates a malfunction in the CAN communication system. This code is typically caused by a signal compare failure, where the control module compares two or more input parameters for plausibility. This code is usually triggered when the Skid Control ECU is not able to communicate