Saturn C0460 00 Code

Saturn C0460 00 is an error code related to the vehicle’s steering system. This code can be triggered by various causes, such as an internal electronic failure, output signal out of range, or a lack of calibration. The Saturn C0460 00 code indicates that the ignition voltage is greater than 9.5 volts and is often accompanied by various other errors. It is important to identify the cause of the fault to correct the issue and prevent further vehicle damage. This article will discuss the possible causes and solutions of the Saturn C0460 00 code.

Causes and Solutions of Saturn C0460 00 Code

Causes Solutions
The EBCM detects a steering angle sensor fault Replace the steering angle sensor
The steering angle sensor is reporting an internal electronic failure Repair or replace the internal wiring
The steering angle sensor output signal is out of range Check the steering angle sensor for proper operation
The steering angle sensor is not calibrated Calibrate the steering angle sensor

Saturn C0460 00 is an error code with many implications for your vehicle. If the ignition voltage exceeds 9.5 volts, the code will be triggered, indicating a fault in the steering system. It is important to identify the root cause of the problem to fix the issue and prevent further damage to your car. There are several potential causes of the Saturn C0460 00 code, such as an internal electronic failure, output signal out of range, or a lack of calibration. With the right knowledge and tools, you can identify the cause and address the issue. This article will discuss the reasons and solutions for the Saturn C0460 00 code.

The EBCM Detects a Steering Angle Sensor Fault

The Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) detects a steering angle sensor fault. If the EBCM detects an issue with the steering angle sensor, it will trigger the Saturn C0460 00 code. The best solution to this issue is to replace the steering angle sensor. This will ensure that the vehicle is operating optimally and that the problem is resolved.

Steering Angle Sensor is Reporting an Internal Electronic Failure

If the steering angle sensor reports an internal electronic failure, the Saturn C0460 00 code will be triggered. This can be caused by a faulty wiring or an electrical component within the steering angle sensor. The best solution is to repair or replace the internal wiring. This will ensure that the vehicle is operating optimally and that the issue is resolved.

Steering Angle Sensor Output Signal is Out of Range

If the steering angle sensor output signal is out of range, the Saturn C0460 00 code will be triggered. A faulty or damaged steering angle sensor can cause this. The best solution is to check the steering angle sensor for proper operation and ensure it is within the correct range. This will ensure that the vehicle is operating optimally and that the issue is resolved.

Steering Angle Sensor is Not Calibrated

If the steering angle sensor is not calibrated, the Saturn C0460 00 code will be triggered. This can be caused by a fault with the calibration of the steering angle sensor. The best solution is to calibrate the steering angle sensor. This will ensure that the vehicle is operating optimally and that the issue is resolved.


The Saturn C0460 00 code is an error related to the vehicle’s steering system. This code can be triggered by various causes, such as an internal electronic failure, output signal out of range, or a lack of calibration. To identify the root cause of the issue, it is important to understand the possible causes and solutions of the Saturn C0460 00 code. By understanding the causes and solutions of this error code, you can prevent further damage to your vehicle and ensure that it is operating at its optimal level.

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