Saab P0444 Code

If you are having trouble with your Saab’s check engine light being illuminated, the code P0444 may be the culprit. This particular code indicates a problem with the EVAP Purge Solenoid Control Circuit Input Low, which means that the control module has detected 0v on the EVAP purge valve control circuit with the control driver commanded “off” for over 50 seconds. There are various possible causes for this code, such as a damaged or shorted purge solenoid connector, a short to ground on the purge solenoid control circuit, or a failed control module. A related Service Bulletin to consider is PIP5094.

Causes and Solutions for Saab P0444 Code

Cause Solution
Purge solenoid connector is damaged or shorted Inspect and replace the connector if necessary.
Purge solenoid control circuit is shorted to ground Test for shorts and repair the circuit as needed.
Control module has failed Replace the module according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Related Service Bulletin: PIP5094 Refer to Service Bulletin for further instructions.

Troubleshooting Saab P0444 Code

The first step in addressing the P0444 code is to check the integrity of the purge solenoid connector. If the connector appears to be damaged or shorted, it should be replaced. If the connector is undamaged, then a short to ground on the purge solenoid control circuit should be tested for. If a short to ground is found on the circuit, the wiring should be inspected and repaired as needed. If the wiring is undamaged, the control module should be replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Service Bulletin PIP5094

Service Bulletin PIP5094 should also be taken into consideration when troubleshooting the P0444 code. This bulletin contains further instructions on how to address the code, including specific tests, proper replacement procedures, and more.


In conclusion, the Saab P0444 Code is an indication of a problem with the EVAP Purge Solenoid Control Circuit Input Low. Possible causes for this code include a damaged or shorted purge solenoid connector, a short to ground on the purge solenoid control circuit, or a failed control module. Troubleshooting the code requires an inspection of the purge solenoid connector, a test for a shorted control circuit, and the replacement of the control module according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To get further instructions for addressing the Saab P0444 Code, Service Bulletin PIP5094 should be consulted.

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