Dodge B1051 Code

Are you having issues with your Dodge B1051 Code? This code is a trouble code that is associated with a blend door travel range being too large during the actuator calibration. Controlling the blend door is important for controlling the amount of air that passes through the HVAC system. If the total span of the blend door exceeds the high range limit, you may experience problems with your Dodge car. The possible causes of this error code can include electrical circuit issues, warped, worn, damaged, missing, or broken parts, actuator issues, and heater control issues. Identifying the exact cause of this error code can be a challenge, but with the right knowledge and resources, it can be done. In this article, we will explore the possible causes and solutions for the Dodge B1051 Code error.

Causes and Solutions for Dodge B1051 Code

Causes Solutions
Door Driver Electrical Circuit(s) Check for loose or corroded wiring and repair as needed.
Blend Door or A/C Heater Housing Components Warped, Worn, Damaged, Missing, Broken Replace any damaged parts and/or adjust blend door.
Blend Door Actuator Check and replace the actuator if needed.
A/C Heater Control Check and recalibrate the A/C Heater Control.

If you are experiencing difficulty with your Dodge B1051 Code, you are not alone. This code is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. It is important to identify the exact cause of the code in order to fix the problem. In this article, we have outlined the possible causes and solutions for the Dodge B1051 Code. We hope that this information will be helpful in resolving your issue.

Door Driver Electrical Circuit(s)

One possible cause of the Dodge B1051 Code is an issue with the door driver electrical circuit. This issue can be caused by loose or corroded wiring. If this is the cause of the issue, you should check the wiring and repair it as needed.

Blend Door or A/C Heater Housing Components Warped, Worn, Damaged, Missing, Broken

Another possible cause of the Dodge B1051 Code is an issue with the blend door or A/C heater housing components. If the components are warped, worn, damaged, missing, or broken, this can cause the code. In this case, you should replace any damaged parts and/or adjust the blend door.

Blend Door Actuator

The blend door actuator can also be a cause of the Dodge B1051 Code. If the actuator is malfunctioning, this can cause the code to appear. In this case, you should check the actuator and replace it if needed.

A/C Heater Control

The A/C heater control can also cause the Dodge B1051 Code. If this is the cause of the issue, you should check and recalibrate the A/C heater control.


The Dodge B1051 Code is a trouble code that is associated with a blend door travel range being too large during the actuator calibration. Identifying the exact cause of this error code can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and resources, it can be done. In this article, we have explored the possible causes and solutions for the Dodge B1051 Code. We hope that this information will be helpful in resolving your issue with the Dodge B1051 Code. Be sure to check the door driver electrical circuit, blend door or A/C heater housing components, blend door actuator, and A/C heater control for any issues that may be causing the Dodge B1051 Code.

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