Chrysler P0591 Code

Chrysler P0591 code is a diagnostic trouble code that is stored in the powertrain control module when a fault occurs with the speed control switch 2 performance on Chrysler vehicles. This code is stored when the PCM detects a voltage issue with the speed control switch 2, which is located in the right steering wheel switch. The switch consists of two 5 volt signals that are connected to the PCM via the clockspring pass-through within the Steering Column Control Module (SCCM). Malfunctions with the speed control switch 2 can result from resistance in the S/C signal 2 circuit, a faulty speed control switch, or even a malfunctioning clockspring. The SCCM is located near the top of the steering column below the steering wheel, and it includes the steering column shroud, the Steering Angle Sensor (SAS), the Clockspring, the Multi-function Switch, a Steering Column Power Tilt and Telescope Switch, and a trim cover. To learn more about this code and possible solutions, one can refer to NHTSA Service Bulletin S1508000480.

Causes and Solutions Related to Chrysler P0591 Code

Cause Solution
Resistance in the S/C Signal 2 Circuit Check the circuit for any resistance issues and replace the wiring if necessary.
Speed Control Switch (Right Steering Wheel Switch) Replace the switch if it is malfunctioning.
Clockspring Check the clockspring for any issues and replace it if necessary.
Steering Column Power Tilt and Telescope Switch Replace the switch if it is not functioning properly.

Resistance in the S/C Signal 2 Circuit

The first possible cause of a Chrysler P0591 code is resistance in the S/C signal 2 circuit. This circuitry runs from the powertrain control module (PCM) to the speed control switch 2, which is located in the right steering wheel switch. Resistance in this circuit can cause the PCM to detect a voltage issue with the speed control switch 2, resulting in a malfunction. To fix this, one should check the circuit for any resistance issues and replace the wiring if necessary.

Speed Control Switch (Right Steering Wheel Switch)

The speed control switch 2 can malfunction, resulting in a Chrysler P0591 code. This switch consists of two 5 volt signals that are connected to the PCM via the clockspring pass-through within the Steering Column Control Module (SCCM). If this switch is malfunctioning, the solution is to replace it.


The clockspring is an important component in the speed control switch 2 circuit. If this part is malfunctioning, it can result in a Chrysler P0591 code. To fix this, one should check the clockspring for any issues and replace it if necessary.

Steering Column Power Tilt and Telescope Switch

The Steering Column Power Tilt and Telescope Switch is located near the top of the steering column below the steering wheel and can malfunction, resulting in a Chrysler P0591 code. If this switch is not functioning properly, the solution is to replace it.


In conclusion, the Chrysler P0591 code is a diagnostic trouble code that is stored in the powertrain control module when a fault occurs with the speed control switch 2 performance on Chrysler vehicles. There are several causes and solutions related to this code, such as resistance in the S/C signal 2 circuit, a malfunctioning speed control switch, a faulty clockspring, or a malfunctioning Steering Column Power Tilt and Telescope Switch. To learn more about this code and possible solutions, one can refer to NHTSA Service Bulletin S1508000480. With the help of this article, now you have a better understanding of the Chrysler P0591 code and the potential causes and solutions related to it.

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